Saturday, August 30, 2008

what's up?

Just a quick update.
My grandparents are here visiting. We're enjoying our time with them.

Of course, Gpa decided it wasn't complete with a trip to our local hospital. He was having trouble breathing last night, and started shivering excessively. We ended up calling an ambulance and they took him to ER. He was admitted, and diagnosed with begining pneumonia/broncitis, and he had a high fever.

But he was distarged this morning, and seems to be feeling alot better.
It was scary. I've never expected that my grandparents won't always be around. I know I need to, I'm just not ready.
So, he's back home now..and we're enjoying what's left of our visit. They leave Friday morning.
That's my mom in the picture, btw.

We're having a family bbq for Lucas birthday Monday. I cannot believe my baby is going to be 4. I was looking at him sleep tonight, and he looks so big. Long, and like a big kid.
He had a party with his friends this past Tuesday. He had 8 friends over, and had a great time.

Kilynn starts school Thursday, and we're ready but not. It's hard to get back into routine with guest, and he sleep schedule isn't great. But we'll deal.
Lucas will be going back to preschool soon, I'm just not sure which one yet.

so, that's our update for now.

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