More pictures of my sister and her kids...and her ever-expanding belly.
I was able to help in Kilynns class today, after dropping Lucas off at preschool. It was the first time I've been able to this year. and it was fun. i'll probaly do it most tuesday. afternoons..which takes away from the gym time i thought i'd have. but i'll figure it out.
i took lucas to an asthma/allergy specialist last week. i wanted a specialist opinion..they did the small poke/scratch on the inner arms for allergies. nothing showed up. so that's a good start.
he suggested i start him on advair instead of the flovent. hoping it'll work better. but it's got a black box warning, and i keep talking myself out of giving it to him.
more on that later.
i'm keeping kilynn home in the morning. they are getting their flu vaccine in the morning, and i was going to let kiley go for an hour, then get her, and take her back afterwards..but i think i'm going to let her stay home and just go after the shots.
oh, lucas got his cavities filled yesterday. i didn't want to use the laughing gas. but the dentist talked me into it. i think he could've handled it without. but either way. he never even so much as flinched while getting the numbing shot...and was actually compltetly asleep for the last 5-8 minutes. of course, he woke up right after they turned the stuff off and nudged him..and didn't fall asleep until 11 last night...and the dentist said he'd probaly just want to come home and sleep..HA, not lucas.
okay, off to bed.
1 comment:
that belly shot at the top with all the rich colors is so cool!
It's so scary to start off thier young lives by giving them chemicals...I'm so glad cams new med doc is against all that and is even suggesting natural stuff! You chould check into some alternative care..little ones usually respond quickly! poor lucas!
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