i'm sitting here trying to find a decent family photo for our christmas cards...i wanted to avoid the jcpenneys crazy-busy studio this year.
i cannot believe christmas is so quickly approaching. we're trying to simplify this year. due to financial issues, and the fact that my kids have far too much as it is.
i love giving, so it's hard for me not to go overboard for all of my family. but it's just not possible this year. and i need to accept that.
christmas has always been such a magical time for me, and i want that feeling back...or atleast a little piece of it. i want my kids to appreciate what they have, and be grateful for the family we have to spend it with.
so that's our holiday goal. wish us luck.
i've been busy lately. i spent a few days overtown yesterday. two of them visiting my sister and her new bundle of baby. ;0)
and i'm constantly running kids here and there. the life of a mom. ;0) i love it.
also been busy with the new puppy....she's like a furry baby. lol.
i don't like posting without a photo, so here's one of lucas and my niece the other day.
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