Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I was tagged for a photo game

My sil Jamee from Jonara Blu Maui (she makes beautiful jewerly) tagged me from her blog.
Here is the 6th photo, from the 6th folder in my pictures.
It's an unedited photo of Kilynn from her *6 year photo shoot*.
That's her webkinz, the penguin, with her.
Now I'm suppose to tage 5 people.
Here are the rules
1) Go to your picture folder, or wherever you store your photos on your computer
2) Go to the sixth folder and pick the sixth picture
3) Post it on your blog and tell the story that goes along with the picture
4) Tag five friends to do the same thing, and leave a message on their blog that they have been tagged
~ Tag You're IT!
1. Dawn from Life on a Budget
3. Andrea from Live.Laugh.Photograph
4. Tina

1 comment:

Jonara Blu Maui said...

Kiley is always so cute..even unedited lol! Thanks for playing along!