Wednesday, January 14, 2009

painting day

i've been painting all day...we re-arranged the house..and the playroom is now in the master bedroom.
i know, most people think we're crazy. but seriously, ryan and i have a bed and dresser...
the kids have tons of toys...who do you think really needs more space?

the rooms in this house aren't very big..but we're making it work.
so, back to my post..
i've been painting in there..
i looks like a playroom 1/2 way now...i even let the kids paint one wall with their doodles and such. i figure, what's it hurt? someday, if necessary, i can paint over it.
they had fun doing it.
so far i have that on one wall..and one lime green polka dotted wall.
it's got no ryhme or reason in there...i'm just going for it, and having fun!



Mandy said...

You're definitely nuts. My kids have a lot of toys, too, but I'd NEVER give up my nice, big bedroom for them! LOL
I think you're a better mom than I am!
Can't wait to see pictures of the walls - it sounds fun!

Jonara Blu Maui said...

that sounds so cool! I wish I could come over and help..that kind of painting is fun! Take a picture for us when you are done!