Tuesday, January 20, 2009


tuesdays are my busy-run-around days.
Add in something extra, like a doctors appt, etc and it just gets worse.

It starts by getting Kilynn on the bus at 8:15. If I'm feeling especially lazy and Lucas is still asleep, I'll go back to bed and get comfy for another hour.

Lucas has speech at 11. That's over at 11:30. Then we use to have lunch with Kiley, but they changed her lunch schedule. So now, we stop and get something, or park at the beach and he'll eat a packed lunch. Maybe run some errands.
Either way, I don't bother going back home. He has to be at school at 12:30
Then, I drive back the way I just came from (speech is at Kilynns school), and help in Kilynns class room until it's time to pick Lucas up at 3pm. So, back up the island I go, to pick him up.
After that, I come BACK down the island, and pick Kilynn up from school.
Then, we have a couple options..we can come home for 1 hour, or find something to do until karate at 5. Most Tuesdays, we end up at the library until karate. I just hate driving back out to my house, and wasting gas.
Then, we head back up the island (yes, to the same area Lucas goes to school) and go to karate class for Kilynn.
Tonight, we added a free Reptile Man assembly put on my the PTA. It was after karate, and was lots of fun for the kiddos.
But, needless to say, I'm tired, and glad to be home.

Now, we're watching Spongebob...oh, how the kids had missed him. We're enjoying having cable back. ;0)

So, we watched most of the inauguration this morning, and I was really glad to hear they watched it at school as well. I felt it was important for my kids to see.
I was excited to see it. There's just something about our new president...just watching him walk through the doors gave me chills. It's not just him, it's what his being elected mean to america.
It's inspiring.

They also had a Inauguration of the Orca mascot assembly at Kilynns school. They voted for a new mascot on election day. I thought it was a great way to teach the kids about or voting system.

a funny note...the kids know who are new president is.
But Lucas is only 4. While he and I watched this morning, he said...
"mama, is Barack Obama a real person, or just in this movie were watching?"...
so cute! So we talked about it agai, and I explained it to him...
Logical question...most of what's on tv isn't real.


Mandy said...

I hate those drive-around days. I sympathize!
What a great question from Lucas! Really shows he's a thinker. That will be a fun one to remind him of in 20 years!

Jonara Blu Maui said...

That is a logical question..reminds us of how kids see things from their perspective. So cute!

Your Tuesdays are quite busy! Good thing gas has gone down a bit.

I've given you an award! Stop by here to pick it up!