Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kilynns story

Kilynn writes stories fairly frequently. But one day she came home with this one, and I was surprised she'd chosen to write about it. I can't believe the things she remembers. This is something that obviously remains in her memory.
I took pictures of it, but they aren't super clear. I'll should've scanned them in, but it's more time consuming at this point.

So this is a story about the time Kilynns eyes rolled in her head, and she became unconsiasde (i cannot spell that word right now) and unrepsonsive. It really wasn't all that long, but of course, at the time it felt like forever. Especially because we weren't sure what had happened. My mom had been olding her, carrying her outside, and she had been crying about something...
at the ER we found out she had pneumonia (we'd had her at the dr. that week), and she probaly went to take that deep breath and just didn't have enough oxygen.
Like how some kids cry so hard, and hold their breath that they pass out.

anyway, it was scary for all of us...
(actually, one month later, my panic attacks began..connection? maybe.)

so here's kilynns version....i can giggle about it now. i love the ending.

The first page read "when i was a little kid i pasawt then i wint on a amboolits"
Translation: when i was a little kid, i passed out and went on an ambulance.
2nd page "my antedeene was with me, my grammy was with me to, they wr wreed"
translation: my aunt deanie was with me, my grammy was with me too. they were worried.
(notice, mom and dad are not in the story...what's that about? lol)
3rd page " i got a x-rae. i asow got a sticr"
translation: i got a x-ray. i also got a sticker.
last page "i did not have fun"
not translation needed.


Mandy said...

So cute! Tessa remembers all her 'traumatic' experiences, too. I love that Kiley didn't mention you and Ryan...such an ungrateful kid thing to do! LOL!

AMac said...

I love the creativity! I almost was able to decipher it without a translation, too! Too cute.